There IS a plus side to being emetophobic

20 02 2010

If you find that most of my posts on this blog have too much whining and complaining about emetophobia, then you’re in for a treat. While there are very few bright sides to having any kind of phobia, this article will point out some of the positive habits emetophobia forced me to adopt in my life.

Personal hygiene. If everyone practiced impeccable hygiene habits, there would be virtually no contagious diseases. Norovirus, Flu, many cases of foodbourne bacteria, and the common cold are spread by our hands. The average person doesn’t wash them enough – especially when they are sick. As an emetophobe, I’m extremely conscious of this and wash my hands frequently especially after using the bathroom and before eating which is a very good habit.

A clean homestead. I live alone and therefore have less stress about catching a bug from a family member. So my concern is catching a bug from a dirty home. Cleaning my house includes wiping down light switches, door knobs and telephones, and of course the remote control. These are places the average normal person doesn’t think about. Another good habit.

Healthy eating. Since my biggest fear in life is vomiting, I will do anything to stay healthy and that includes giving up bad foods and replacing them with healthy ones. Foods that boost the immune system and those anti-oxidents that prevent cancer cells from forming.

Physical and mental fitness. Not only does physical fitness go hand in hand with a healthy diet to prevent illness, but it’s also good for the anxiety that triggers my panic attacks. One of the greatest physical achievements in my life has been in my martial arts training, which I never would have signed up for had I not experienced emetophobia.

Emetophobia has gripped me in some very debilitating ways and probably always will. At least I can look at the silver lining in such a terrible condition.

OK, now I’m going back to the whining posts. 🙂



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